at Jamia masjid
My dear brothers and friends, whether it's the earth or the skies, man or jinn or the angels, all of these are Allah's (saw) creation, and Allah is their sole creator.
He says: (fa innahu yalamussirra wa akhfa)
"He knows that which is secret as well as that which is yet more hidden” Taha 7 ?
Sirr means talking softly, so that the person doesn't understand (akhfa) what a person says to himself i.e. in his heart so that no one realizes, so in this situation the tongue doesn't move and neither does the ear hear, and Allah says I am aware of that too. So, the Lord whose knowledge is so perfect that He listens to the external as well as the internal, the soft and the loud, and besides all this:
(wa ma tasqutu min waraqatin ill yalamuha)
"And not a leaf falls but He knows it" Al-Ana'am 59
Now just lets consider the trees in Chicago. Uncountable leaves are shed everyday. Allah says I am aware of all and all has been written in a clear decree.
He says (min waraqah)
"Wherever a leaf falls" (illa yalamuha) Your Lord knows where it fell or got lost or scattered away or floated away in the water or the squirrel ate it. All is clear in Allah's knowledge.
Next the Almighty Wise says ? (wa la habbah tin fee dulumaat il ardh)
"And not even a grain amid the darkness of ? the earth"…….
He knows the seed which is hidden in the darkness of the earth whether it is wet or dry. (wa la ratb wala yabis)
"Nor anything fresh or withered but is known by Him”
Then the Maulana relates a saying in Arabic (alghaibu indahu ashahadah) i.e. the invisible is clearly visible in His knowledge. He sees what is in front and that which is beyond our perception (wassirru indahu alalaniya) He knows what is hidden and that which is evident, the secret of the inner self is visible in front of Him and the external is in His extensive knowledge too….(awaamiruhu jariah wa saariah) His orders/judgements pour down from the skies like rain droplets. The sovereignty of the whole universe rests in His grasp. The entire universe is in motion by His command, whether it's the morning or the night, darkness or light, winter or summer, Allah's power is in motion behind it, it's by Allah's decision. The heat in the sun is not its own it’s not just a coincidence, it is Allah who has filled it with so much fuel all at once. Allah created it. Every machine needs fuel and has to be repaired, but this machine, which has been rotating for the last millions of years,it’s speed is 600000 miles/hour,.no steering, no gear, no brake, no engine, no driver, and no one to direct it, it's movement is so quick that it travels at a speed of ? 600,000 miles/hr and the heat it throws in one second equals to that of 100,000 atom bombs….and its been unceasingly throwing this heat since the last trillions of years, and it’s throwing it right now and will throw it in the future too. It was granted all this power through just this one verse:(wa ja’alna siraaja wahhaja)
"We have made it a dazzling lamp" An-Naba'a 13
The temperature of its inner surface is 12,000 degrees Fahrenheit and its inner temperature is 27 million degrees Fahrenheit and Allah as well as controlling all this heat passes it over to us. If He let it (the sun) free it would come near us and the whole world would burn away into ashes. And if He would move it away from us the whole world would freeze up and become as cold as the North and South Poles, it would freeze. Allah is holding onto its reins so tightly that neither does it loosen so it may come nearer to us and burn us, nor does it move away so that we freeze away.
Allah says, (asshamsu tajree limustaqarrillaha thalika taqdeerul azeezil hameed. Walqamara qaddarnahu manaazila hatta aada kal urjoonil qadeem kullun fee falakin yasbahoon)
“And the sun runs in an orbit of its own, that is the decree of ? The Almighty The All-knowing and the moon, for which We have determined phases, till it becomes like an old date stalk [dried-up and curved])" Yaasin 39
And in another verse, (litaa lamoo adadassineena wal hisaab)
"He commanded the sun to rotate so that you may compute the years and to measure (time)" Al-Younus 5
Then the sun itself has no power to clash into the moon and the day can't run or overtake the night. Nor do the sun and moon outstrip one another and neither can the day and night collide into one another ? "kullun fee falakeen yasbahun" Al-Yaseen 40
"Each floats in an orbit"
Then he says (thalika taqdirul aziz il hakeem)
"This is the Decree of the Almighty the Wise" Yaseen 38
This isn't Einstein's calculation which could go wrong. It is ALLAH's calculation, there can't be any blunder in it.(washamsu wal qamaru bi husbaan)
"And the sun and the moon move along their appointed courses" Ar-Rahmaan 5
He has calculated and fed all the information inside it ever since He has created it, so that it can't divert to any other direction until the sound of qiyamah doesn't break it. So the Lord who is controlling this extensive system is controlling the systems of the entire universe. And whatever He desires is what happens in the universe and what we desire can't happen without His command. Whereas what He attempts can happen without our wanting (wa maa tashaauna illa an yasha allahu rabbul aalamin)
"Your wishes are of no avail unless Allah The Sustainer of all the worlds wills" At-Takweer 29 ?
So whatever seems as happening through money isn't so. Our belief is wrong, our impression is totally false, unable to understand Allah's desire. Allah had planned that this thing would happen through money. Likewise it's through Allah's desire that we are restored to health. It was Allah who had planned to recover us through the medicine, but we didn't see Allah's will and didn't ponder over it, we just saw the medicine and the stomachache subsiding so we judged that it was the medicine which recovered us. The reality can't appear in front of us, we can just imagine it.
Allah has opened in front of us the bondage we have with this world whereas the connection Allah has with this world is invisible to us. The connection that the means have with Allah is not observable. It is the order that comes from His side, which is carried out. We all are humans, neither through our want nor with the help of the human system, it was just that Allah willed to make us human beings. ? He could have made us monkeys, dogs, horses, mules, he could make us all vanish into thin air as He has said "inyasha yuth hibkum"
“He can do away with you if He wills” Ibrahim, 19
(Akha thallahu sam akumwa absaurakum wa khatama ala qulu bikum man ilahun ghairullahi ya teekum bih.)
"If Allah takes away your hearing and your sight and seals up your hearts, is there any deity other than Allah who could restore them to you?" Al-Anaam: 46. ?
In this verse Allah is telling us that He has bondage with you and that which is ordered from there is carried out.
The belief that things happen through money was penetrated/drilled into the heart via what we saw and heard. Allah's prophet's words tell us that your money bond is with Allah. ? Your existence is through Allah. When Allah wills, it happens, when Allah doesn't will, the entire universe can't make it happen. (Lawijtama al insu wal jinnu ala an yanfaooka bi shaiin lam yanfauuka illa bi shaiin qad katabahallahu laka)
"If all the jinn and mankind will to benefit you with something they cannot benefit you but with what Allah has destined for you".
Our weakness is that we want all our wishes to be fulfilled in this world and the next. Whereas Allah has appointed a principle, (abdii anta tureed wa ana ureed wa la yakunu illa ma uree in sallamta lee fee ma ureed kafaituka fee ma tureed wa illam tusallim lee feema uredd atabtuka feema tureed thumma la yakunu illa ma ureed)
"Oh my servant! You want and I want and only that will happen which I will, thus, if you submit yourself to My will, I will be sufficient for you in what you want, and, if you do not submit to My will, I will tire you in seeking your desire, and only that will happen which I will" Allah (SAW) also says: (in yamsaska Allahu bi dhurrin fa la kaashifa lahun illa hua wa in yuridka bi khairin fa la raada li fadhlihee)
"If Allah afflicts you with any harm, none can remove it other than Him and if He intends to bestow a favour upon you, none can withhold His bounty " Younus 107 ?
(maa yaftahillahu linnas min rahmatin fa laa mumsika laha)
"Whatever grace Allah opens for man, none can withhold it" Al-Fatir 2
If Allah opens the doors of mercy, honour, wealth and subsistence for you no one can close that door…(wa maa yumsik falaa mursila lahu mim ba'dihi)
"And whatever He withholds none can henceforth release" Al-Fatir 2
If He closes the door, the entire world has no strength to open it. Now, if we compare our knowledge with Allah's, our knowledge and intelligence tells us that when there is money there is luxury, honour, and prosperity. Our money has no bondage with Allah,wealth is the only means to achieve all these things. On the contrary, Allah's knowledge tells us that when He opens the doors of affluence and abundance then only will you obtain all these bounties, and if He closes them no one can bestow them upon you. You will get if He gives, it will happen if He wills, if He doesn't will it, then it can't happen. These are the two main factors. And because of this He said in the beginning that man is weak, foolish and ignorant (dhaluman, jahulan, ajula) 'unjust, foolish and hasty'.
And because of his feebleness, his mind is weak and so is his experience.
No one can challenge Allah's knowledge (laa mubaddila li kalimatihee)
"None can alter His words" Al-Anam 115
(laa tabdeela li kalimaatihi)
"No change can there be in His words" Al-Kahf 27
(laa raiba feehi)
"There is no doubt in it" As-Sajdah 2
(innahu la qaulun fasl)
"It is a word which distinguishes [good from evil]" At-Tariq 13
(uhkimat ayaatuhu thumma fussilat min ladun hakeemin khabeer)
"Whose verses are perfected and issued in detail from One Wise, Informed” Al-Hud 1
(Ar Rahmanu fas'sl bihee khabeera)
"The Most Gracious! Ask, then, about Him one who is aware" Al-Furqan 59
Don't ask some imprudent person about me. Ask someone who is aware of the glory and might of your Lord. And as for His glory (lau kanal bahru midaadan li kalimaati rabbee la nadida albahru qabla an tanfada kalimatu rabbi wa lau jina bi mithlihee madada)
"If all the seas were ink for my Sustainers words, the sea would be consumed before the words of my Lord are exhausted and even if We were to add sea upon sea" Al-Kahf 109
He says (wal bahru yamudduhu mim badihee sabata abhu)
"Replenished by seven more oceans added to it" Luqman 27
If the trees of Australia, America and Europe were cut down and made into pens, then all of mankind and jinns were brought together on the sea shore and were told to write the praise of Allah, and Allah would bestow upon them the knowledge, and everyone would start writing, Allah (SAW) says (lanafidal bahru qabla an tanfada kalimaatu rabbi wa lau jina bi mithlihee madada)
"The seas would be consumed before the words of my Lord are consumed, even if We were to add sea upon sea" Al-Kahf 109
Allah (SAW) is (al awwalu bila bidayah, qadeemun bila ibtida, wal aakhiru laisa badahu shai'an, waddaiimu bila intiha)
"He is the first without any beginning, and the Last without any end, He is the eternal without a beginning, and the Last who has no one after Him, and enduring without end." Because of this the Prophet (sallallahu alahi wasallam)said: (Allahumma anta ahaqqu man dhukira, wa ahaqqu man ubida, wa ansaru man ubtaghiya, wa ar'afu man malika, wa ajwadu man suila, wa awsa'u man a'ta, antal maliku laa shareeka laka, wal fardu laa nidda laka, kullu shayin halikun illa wajhak, lan tut'aa illa bi idhnik, wa lan tu'sa ill bi ilmika, tuta fa tashkuru, wa tus'a fa taghfiru, aqrabu shaheed, wa adna hafeedh, hulta dunannufus, akhadhta binnawasi, katabtal aathaar, wa nasakhtal aajaal, al qulubu laka mufdhiya, wassirru indaka alaaniyya, al halaalu maa ahlalta, wal haraamu maa harramta, ad deenu ma shara'ta, wal amru ma qadhaita, al kahalqu khalquq, wal abdu abduk, antallahu, ar Raufu ar Raheemu)
“O Allah, You are the most deserving to be remembered, and the most deserving of worship, and the most responsive to be sought, and the most knowing to control (govern) and the most generous to be asked, and the most expansive in giving. You are the King without partner.You are the one with no opponents. Everything is destructible except You. You are not to be obeyed except with Your permission, and You are not to be disobeyed except with Your prior knowledge. When You receive You thank, and when You are disobeyed You forgive. You are the closest of witnesses, and the nearest of protectors. You are closer than our souls. You have commanded humans. (You wrote the excuses and abrogated the ages of people) To You the hearts reveal all. To You secrets are public. Halal is what You ordained as Halal, and Haram is what You ordained as Haram. Deen is what you have ordained, and decisions are Yours. The creation is Yours and the slave is Yours. You are Allah The Consoling and the Most Merciful."
The Prophet (sallallahualaihi wa sallam) has praised his Lord in these words, and if we would start opening each sentence it would occupy millions of books and volumes and pages. Allah's Prophet (sallallahualaihi wa sallam) affirming the greatness of Allah, His attributes, existence and immortality, continuity, omnipotence, He is the (Ahad, Samad , Fard) "Alone and Self Sufficient". You have no match among His creation. You are Uncompariable, You are Ever Living, Your existence is eternal.
Our existence is visionary, illusionary, our existence is dependant on Allah (SAW) The walking of the feet is dependant on Allah (SAW).We sleep by Allah's will (wa jaalna naumakum subata)
"And We provided you with sleep for rest" An-Nab'a 9
(wa jaalnaa allaila libaasa)
"And We made the night as a cloak" An-Nab'a 10
(wa jaalnaa annahara ma'asha)
"And We made the day as means of subsistence" An-Naba'a 11
(wa kahalaqnaakum azwaaja)
"And We have created you in pairs" An-Naba'a 18
(wa banaina fauqakum sab'an shidaada)
"And We built above you seven firmaments" An-Naba'a 12
(wa ja'alna feeha siraajan wahhaja)
"And We appointed a shining dazzling lamp" An-Naba'a 13
(wa anzalana minal mu'siraati maa an thajjaaja)
"And We sent down from the rainy clouds abundant water" An-Naba'a 14
Thus, my dear brothers, Allah's knowledge, Allah's great Book, and the message of the prophets, all are agreed on the fact, that whatever happens in the universe is by Allah's command and His will, and, what He doesn't will, can never happen. Now we covet that our desires be fulfilled, our hopes and wishes come true. Allah tells us the gateway to obtain all we desire. One way, is that which Shaitan has shown us, and that is that money makes the mare go, but in reality, it isn't the money that makes it go, it's Allah's will. So what is the gateway? (abdi anta tureed wa ana ureed) You perform that which I have commanded you to, and then I will fulfill what you are longing for.
Ali says: (man araada izzan bila asheeratin, ghinan bila malin, haibatan inda sultanin, wa jahatan bainal ikhwan) "Whosoever intends to obtain honour and he has no clan/tribe, wealth, and he has no money, esteem and respect in the eyes of the sovereign, and dignity in the eyes of his fellows." (Each man craves for these four things.) And Ali (radhiallahu anhu) further tells us what Allah's knowledge has guided us to, he says (fal yakhruj min dhulli ma'siyatillahi ila izzi ta'atillah) "he must come out from the disgrace of the disobedience of Allah toward the nobility of the obedience of Allah."
Abstain from one thing and act upon the other. Start surrendering yourself in front of Allah's command, and Allah will abundantly provide you with all four things. (wa lillahi alizzatu wa li rasulihi wa lilmuminana)
"All honor belongs to Allah and His Apostle and the believers" Al-Munafiqeena 8
(Sa ulqee fee qulibilladheena kafaru ar ru'ba)
"I shall cast terror into the unbelievers hearts" Al-Anfal 12
(la fatahna alaihim barakaatin minassamaai wal ardh)
"We would have showered upon them blessings out of heaven and earth" Al-A'araf 96
(sa yaj'alu lahumm ur Rahmaanu wudda)
"The Beneficent will appoint for them love"
If we submit ourselves to the will of Allah, Allah will award us with prosperity, respect, serenity, strength, veneration, reverence, tranquility and Jannah. We will receive all these rewards on the one condition that we yield ourselves to the will of Allah. Then Allah has promised us (kafaituka feema tureed)
"I will be sufficient for you in what you desire,"
in this world and the next.
Whatever we wish cannot be fulfilled in this world. The first thing we want is that we don't face death, and yet we must face it. Therefore we must attach Akhira to our desires. And we don't want to face old age and its calamities, but, we see that whosoever is given a long life has to endure feeble age. No one wishes to face grief and sadness. On the contrary whoever has lived on the face of this earth hasn't departed without going through hardship in one way or another. So the meaning of the phrase (kafaytuka feema tureed) is that he will be awarded a blessed life full of tranquility and contentment and gratification. He will be freed from the greediness and slavery of this world. You will live a life of satisfaction and sovereignty.
The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) says (jama Allahu alaihi shamlahu ****wa ja'ala ghinahu fee qalbihi wa atathu ad dunya wa hiya raghimah) “the share that has been destined for you I will provide you with at your feet, I won't make you scamper behind it, I will provide you with good health, tranquility, I will safeguard you from vices and a sinful life, I will endow you with a life of safety, and then what you desire you will get in Jannah.
(wa lakum feeha ma tashtahee anfusukum wa lakum feeha ma tadda'un)
“And there you shall have all that your souls desire, and there you shall have all that you ever prayed for" Ha-Mim 31
Jannah is everlasting, it is the 'jannatul firdaus' and the 'jannatul ma'wa' It starts from the top of the 'Sidratul Muntaha'' When you reach there, your first desire will be to live forever. You will hear an announcement,(laa yadhuquuna feehalmauta illal mautatatuluulaa)
"And neither shall they taste death after having passed through teir erstwhile death” Ad-Dukhan 56
You will dwell a youthful eternal life (inna lakum an tahyau feeha fa laa tamuutuu abadan)
"You shall exist forever and will never face death"
If the people of Jannah were to be told that you will live only the number of years equal to the dust particles on the earth, and then you will be taken out of here, they will start crying. And if the people of Jahannam were to be told that you will be taken out after so many years they will be relieved and will start rejoicing. But, alas, neither of them will be taken out.
(man ya'sillaha wa rasuluhu fa inna lahu naru jahannam khaalideena feeha abadan)
"Woe to him who rebels against Allah and His Apostle- verily, the fire of hell awaits him, therein to abide beyond the count of time" Al-Jinn 23
(innalladheena aamanu wa amilu ass'alihaati)
“Verily, those who have attained to faith and do righteous deeds" Al-Younus 9
Those who mould their lives according to the pleasure of Allah(SAW) says: (lahum jannatun tajree min tahtihal anhaaru khaalideena feeha abadan)
"For them, there shall be gardens through which rivers flow therein to live forever" Al-Maidah 119
For each it is everlasting. You used to wish of being youthful. Allah tells us, in Jannah you will be granted Adam (alaihissalam)'s height, 125 feet and 15 feet wide, Yousuf (alaihissalam)'s beauty. When they saw him they cut off their hands and didn't even realize what they were doing. If the whole world's beauty were to be divided into two parts, half of it would come in Yousuf (alaihissalam)'s share and the other half would be distributed among the rest of the creation. They will be given Eesa's age, 33 years. Dawood's voice, Ayyub (alaihissalam)'s serene heart and the characteristic's of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alahi wasallam)
They will be (as mentioned in a hadith): [abyath, amrad, ajrad, mukahhal, gi'adun] i.e white, beardless, hairless, they will have kohl in their eyes and curly hair. Allah says: (wa hulluu asaawira min fidhatin)
"They will be adorned with bracelets of silver" Ad-Dahr 21
(wa saqaahum rabbuhum sharaaban tahuura)
"And their Sustainer will give them a pure drink to drink" Ad-Dahr 21
He refrained from drinking alcohol in this world, and because of his firmness his Lord will give him to drink the pure drink with His Own hands. Allah has mentioned three degrees. He says: (yashrabuuna min ka'sin kaana mizaajuha kaafura)
"They shall drink from a cup flavoured with the calyx of sweet smelling flowers" Ad-Dahr 5
In this verse drinking by themselves has been mentioned…this is the lowest degree, whereas, the second degree which is superior to the first is, (yusqauna feeha ka'san kaana mizaajuha kaafura) Ad-Dahr 17
“And in that they will be given to drink of a cup flavoured with ginger"
Ad-Dahr 17
And the third the degree is the highest of all (wa saqaahum rabbuhum sharaaban tahuuran)
"And their Sustainer will give them to drink a pure drink” Ad-Dahr 21
Allah will give this to them with His own hands. He hasn't oppressed us by forbidding us from drinking alcohol in this world. He has forbidden us so as to save us from a big calamity/loss. So if you drink in this world you will be made to drink the scalding water of Jahannam. But if we forbid ourselves here Allah will grant us the honour of quenching our thirst with a pure drink.(wa saqahum rabbuhum sharaban tahuran)
“And their Lord will quench their thirst with a pure drink" Ad-Dahr 21
He has refrained us from eating haraam, so we may deserve to enjoy the everlasting delicacies of Jannah which He has prepared for us (lahmi tarin mimma yashtahun)
"And flesh of fowls that they desire" Al-Waqiah 21
(wa faakihatin mimma yatakharun)
"And fruits of their own choice" Al-Waqiah 20
And these fruits don't have to be watered and aren't restricted to a single season, instead, Allah has prepared them by His command of "kun" i.e. "be" so it comes into existence.
hope u all enjoyed reading was sent as a word doc to me..33 pages!
I'm still in the process of reading it:)
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