Saturday, November 14, 2009

Why should we worship Allah?

We must worship Allah for many reasons. In this section, we mention the most important of these reasons.

1) Allah is our true benefactor

Allah (swt) gave us all what we have. So, He is our only true Benefactor. We cannot list all of his favours on us. Allah (swt) says :
"And if you try to list Allah's favours, you will never be able to count them all." The Holy Qur'an, Chapter 14, Verse 34

Allah(swt) gave us eyes for seeing, ears for hearing, hearts for understanding, hands for holding, feet for walking, and many other favours within our bodies. He gave us parents, brothers, relatives, and friends to love. He gave us good food and drink, air to breathe, water to cool and clean us, animals and cars to ride, and many, many other things. All of these favours - all things that we enjoy and like, are created by Allah (swt) , as He says: "Any favour that you have is from Allah. And if you get into a hardship, you turn to Him crying for help." The Holy Qur'an, Chapter 16, Verse 53

We should be more thankful and grateful to Allah(swt). We should express our gratitude to him by words and actions. We should worship Him with complete love and obedience.

2) Allah has the supreme qualities

Allah is generous beyond limits. He gives without being afraid of losing what He has. Similarly, He is mighty beyond limits, wise beyond limits, merciful beyond limits, and so on. No one else has any of Allah's great qualities. When we understand Allah has the greatest qualities, we find ourselves forced to admire him with the greatest admiration, respect him with the greatest respect, obey him with the fullest obedience, and worship him with the truest worship. Allah(swt) alone deserves to be our God.

3) True Worship produces Taqwaa

Worshipping Allah brings Taqwaa into our hearts. Allah(swt) says:
"O people, worship your Lord who created you and those before you and those before you. With this, you may have Taqwaa". The Holy Qur'an, Chapter 2, Verse 21 Taqwaa is the most important treasure. It makes us always remember that Allah is watching us. It softens our hearts and souls. It makes us love doing good deeds and hate sinning. So, we need to worship Allah in order to have this great treasure.

4) Every Messenger called to worshipping Allah

Allah(swt) sent many Messengers through the time to guide the people. All of those messengers called to the same thing: Worshipping Allah alone. Allah(swt) says: "We have surely sent into every nation a messenger telling it, "Worship Allah and avoid false gods." The Holy Qur'an, Chapter 16, Verse 36

Allah(swt) also says:
"There is no messenger that we have sent before you but we have revealed to him, "There is no (true) God except me. So worship Me" The Holy Qur'an, Chapter 21, Verse 25

So, when we worship Allah we become attached to Allah's messenger and their true followers, and we feel that we are part of the good people who worshipped Allah through the times. We surely would want to worship Allah in order to be attached to those good people.

5) Worshipping Allah is good for us

By worshipping Allah, we should be doing ourselves the greatest favour. As we said earlier, Allah created us to worship Him. He ordered us to worship Him so as to follow the true guidance that He sent to us. If we follow this guidance, we will be happy in this life and the next.

wallahua'lam wa'ilmuhu atammu


Ziarah76 said...

hidayat seluruh alam, insya-Allah

amirhailmi said...

salam.... pe kaba?? summer ni jom datang uk. kta kluar kat uk sama2.

Alhawariyyun said...

insyaallah.. aku azam 40 hari.. tgk la Allah hntr aku ke mane